He disconnected the IV bottle from the overhead hook. 他把静脉滴注瓶从头顶的钩子上拿下来。
Peter had built the overhead ladders, and the next day he fitted them to the wall 彼得已经搭好了攀爬横梯,第二天便把它们安在了墙上。
A man in the gangway suddenly stood up to reach for something in the overhead locker. 靠通道坐的一名男子突然起身去拿头顶上方行李舱里的什么东西。
The overhead light was covered now with a white globe. 现在,顶灯已装上了一个白色球状罩子。
She turned on the overhead light and looked around the little room. 她打开头顶上方的灯,环视了一圈这个小房间。
Please turn on the overhead light. 请打开吊灯。
All the overhead of switching contexts is applied to the thread one time. 切换上下文的所有开销都一次性应用到线程。
Project Zero eliminates the overhead necessary to handle and process the incoming Web request. ProjectZero消除了处理传入Web请求所需的开销。
This greatly lowers the overhead of invoking a service. 这大大地降低了调用服务的开销。
That impact is due to the overhead in creating and destroying those objects by the database resource manager process. 这种影响是由数据库资源管理器进程创建和摧毁那些对象而引起的。
The overhead measured above is the net effect of these two factors. 上面测量到的开销是这两个因素的净效果。
The greater the overhead of a specific virtualization technology, the more resources it requires to run that implementation. 虚拟化技术的开销越大,就需要越多的资源来运行它的实现。
They often implement some form of connection pooling to minimize the overhead associated with the creating and initializing connections. 它们经常实施某些格式的连接库来最大限度地降低与创建和初始化连接相关的开销。
This removes the overhead of the iteration. 这会去除迭代的开销。
It shows the overhead of evaluating a larger number of filters. 它显示了计算大量过滤器的开销。
In a situation like that the overhead of generating and parsing XML is problematic. 在这样的一种情况下,生成和解析XML的开销是成问题的。
You should account for the overhead of implementing and maintaining this automation during effort estimation and project planning. 在工作预估和项目规划期间,应该考虑实现和维护此自动化的开销。
This was due to the overhead involved in the utilization of virtual processors. 这是由使用虚拟处理器所带来的开销造成的。
The use of local interfaces reduces inter-process communication costs by eliminating the overhead of a distributed object protocol. 使用本地接口可以消除分布式对象协议的系统开销,从而降低进程间通信开销。
Thus, the program avoids the overhead of constantly throwing away and re-creating threads. 因此,该程序避免了不断丢弃并重新创建线程的过程。
Passing the extra parameter can increase the overhead of the function call. 传递额外的参数会增加函数调用的开销。
HTTP Keepalive solves this performance problem by considerably reducing the overhead associated with establishing and tearing down TCP connections. HTTPKeepalive通过大幅减少建立和终止TCP连接的相关开销来解决这个性能问题。
You must also consider the overhead of system call tracing. 您还需要考虑系统调用跟踪本身的开销。
This minimizes the overhead of creating and destructing agents. 这样就减少了创建和销毁代理的开销。
While caching can reduce a lot of the overhead, there is still a lot going on. 尽管缓存可以减少大量的开销,但是仍有许多其他问题。
The following main groups of cantilevers are used in the overhead line system equipment design. 以下几组腕臂主要用于架空线路系统设备设计。
The overhead kitchen light was too bright for coffee and brandy. 厨房的顶灯太亮了,不适宜喝咖啡和白兰地。
All the overhead fluorescence was on. 头顶上的荧光灯全都打开了。
Blankets and pillows are stowed in the overhead lockers and eyeshades and socks are on your seat. 毛毯和枕头放在上面的柜中,眼罩和袜子在您的座椅上面。
This adds the overhead of a delegate invocation, but relieves you from having to manage the pool manually. 这会增加委托调用的开销,但是使您无须手动管理该池。